
At Asensio Dental Clinic we offer our patients dental treatment with conscious sedation, under the control our our anaesthesiologist.


All of our dentist specialists have been working with this dental sedation technique for years, which facilitates the treatment for the patient as well as the dentist.

The utilisation of conscious sedation facilitates a state of well being, reduces manifestations of tension and anxiety in the patient.


Why choose this sedation?


Fear of the dentist. Due to fear of the dentist many patients end up with really serious orthodontic problems, a fact that could be prevented going initially to the orthodontist. In patients that are afraid of the dentist, after a conscious sedation has been carried out, a vicious, phobic circle is broken, which afterwards will allow them to come to Asensio Dental Clinic, having conquered their fears.


Objectives that an ideal sedation must meet are:

  • Lessen nervous tension and anxiety in an effective way.
  • Contribute to the analgesia, whether the local anaesthetics are enhanced or either including analgesics in the conscious sedation technique.
  • Minimise or eliminate undesired movements that make the dental treatment difficult.
  • Cause some degree of amnesia of the procedures and the previous moments.
  • The drugs used must have a rapid metabolism with minimum secondary or residual effects.

We have become equipped with the most advanced technology to achieve the best results, all without losing the necessary human warmth to be able to create a good doctor-patient relationship.



oxido nitrosoNitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) is used to induce a relaxing state. (MASTERFLUX PLUS)

This sedation is commonly used in a number of countries, among which are The United States, Denmark, Australia and France, and it has been employed successfully for a long time, countries where the development of Dentistry is extremely specialised and in which anaesthesiology works in conjunction with it on a regular basis.