
The removable devices allow for removal from the mouth by the patient.

This allows them to be taken out during dental hygiene and at meals.

Asensio Dental Clinic gives you the opportunity to personalise the devices with countless images.




Frequently asked questions:

  • Does the Orthodontics hurt?

No. Normally, during the first 2-3 days after the placement of the devices, certain dental discomfort tends to be felt, but taking a painkiller is not necessary.

Grazing can sometimes appear in the internal area of the cheeks, as part of the process of adaptation to the device, but it heals in a week´s time. The use of orthodontic wax is a good idea to avoid it: this is placed over the device in a way that contact between the brace and the mucous membrane is softened.

When the devices are activated during the treatment, the teeth are usually sensitive to biting for a few days.

  • How often must I go to the orthodontist´s?

Once the orthodontic treatment has been started, the visits tend to be every 4-6 weeks, and they tend to be short appointments of 15- 20 minutes.

  • At what age can an orthodontic treatment be started?

There are interceptive orthodontic treatments (their objective is to intercept a problem that is being conceived and that can trigger others if it is not solved) and to stay ahead of orthopaedics (it has as an objective to influence the growth of the bones that hold the teeth), and they start at an early age, generally at 5-6 years of age or even sooner. Most corrective orthodontic treatments with multi-brace equipment begin later, at about 12 years of age, when all of the permanent teeth have come out. An orthodontic treatment can be carried out at any age; there is no age limit for correcting a malocclusion (bad bite).

  • Once the treatment is finished is the position of the teeth permanent?

Yes, if the retention indications have been followed properly, the results are stable throughout time. Nevertheless, the teeth are susceptible to forces that act upon them (chewing, the tongue, the lips, habits…etc.) and they can move throughout life, independent of the fact that an orthodontic treatment has been performed on them or not. In general, there is a tendency for the lower incisors (the front lower teeth) to cram together over the years. Some bad dental positions have a greater tendency than others to relapse (a relapse generally isolated from the bad position of the tooth), always and when the indications of the orthodontist have not been followed.

  • Is there an age limit for orthodontics?

No, there is not an age limit for getting orthodontic treatment. It can be in adulthood as well as in childhood, independently of the seriousness of the problem.

  • How long does an orthodontics treatment last?

The total time of the orthodontic treatment depends on the problem being dealt with, the kind of device, how it is taken care of, the speed at which the teeth move, etc. In general, it varies from a few months (6-8 months) in the simplest cases to 24-30 months in the most complicated cases.

  • Can my teeth deteriorate because of the orthodontics?

No. The orthodontics don´t harm your teeth, bacterial plaque does. I your hygiene is deficient during the treatment and the indications are not followed,

nor does the patient go to the control appointments, there is a risk that the enamel will suffer decalcification, that cavities will turn up or that the gums will become swollen (gingivitis). Thus, we insist so much on the instructions and hygiene controls.

  • Once under treatment, can I eat anything?

Seeing as the removable device can be taken out at meal time, there is no problem.