
Snap on smile abroad

What is Snap-on Smile?

Snap-on Smile is a removable and minimally invasive dental treatment that will help you instantly have a great smile. It is a case made of state-of-the-art dental resin, which has a minimum thickness and is extremely resistant. It is placed directly on our teeth with a complete adaptation, so that it changes the aesthetic appearance of the smile, improving it to make it more beautiful and natural.

It is not necessary to apply anesthesia, nor to carve any of the teeth, nor to apply adhesives, which makes it a comfortable, fast, and aesthetic solution for people who have:

  • Small teeth
  • Teeth that have worn over time
  • Gapped teeth
  • Changes in the color of teeth or even having a missing tooth.

What is the Snap on Smile treatment procedure?

The treatment phases are very simple.

A first visit is made to observe the patient’s case.

Impressions are then taken on the patient’s mouth.

It is sent to a specialized laboratory where the mouth is scanned with the subsequent design of the device in 3D, tailored to the patient, and then going through control of quality.

Later in the clinic, they adapt this device and it is placed in the mouth.

With Snap-on Smile, you will achieve a completely natural appearance in the teeth where only you will know that you are wearing it since it allows you to eat and drink.

Finally, we inform you that in our dental clinic abroad, we follow the prevention and safety measures against COVID-19. We will be happy to resolve all your questions and help you in any way possible at your safe dental clinic in Valencia so that you can show off your best smile without any worries and you can count on your trusted dental clinic.


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snap-on smile

Snap-on Smile: The Ultimate Guide to a Quick Smile Makeover

What is Snap-on Smile?

Snap-on Smile is a dental aesthetic treatment that is characterized by being removable. It is made up of a very thin and resistant resin case that is customized to fit your mouth. It is placed over the teeth to change their shape and appearance temporarily and can be removed and inserted anytime you need it.

This technique modifies the appearance of the smile immediately and is very useful in situations in which you need to show off your smile in public, whether at events, talks, or conferences … It is also one of the most requested and definitive solutions to replace missing teeth while we are placing dental implants or the person is undergoing any other dental treatment. With this treatment, the tooth structure is not altered; it simply fits in and out of the patient’s natural teeth because it is reversible. At Dental Asensio, we recommend Snap-on Smile to enjoy your smile temporarily or permanently, as it is the perfect aesthetic solution.

Snap-on Smile procedure

The procedure is virtually painless. In the first consultation, the dentist makes an impression of the teeth, without anaesthesia, which is sent directly to the laboratory. The mould is filled with plaster and then digitized in 3D on a computer.

After this process, the mould is designed with its respective corrections in a digital program and then sent to a 3D printer. The impression is obtained and is taken to a plaster mould called a muffle, to be injected at high pressures into its material and final colour. Finally, the plaster mould is removed for final adjustments and polishing.

In the second consultation, the prosthesis is placed on the patient, and on some occasions, adjustments will be made outside the mouth if necessary.

What are its uses in dental aesthetics?

  • In teeth that present dental stains or tooth colour alterations
  • By being able to make changes in the shape of the teeth, a snap-on smile can be used in those teeth that have an anomaly in form and that affect multiple anterior teeth, and also, in which there is a dental misalignment.
  • In teeth with loss of tooth structure
  • In cases where there are dental absences, the Snap-on Smile improves the aesthetics of the patient.
  • Often used as an alternative to removable prostheses but without palate or hooks
  • It can be used as provisionals in patients who are in the process of treatment or prosthetic rehabilitation with crowns or dental veneers, or also as provisionals in implantology treatments.


Advantages of Snap-on Smile

  • It is an alternative to removable prostheses that do not need hooks, palate, adhesives, anaesthesia, or tooth cutting.
  • It is fully reversible and removable.
  • It does not affect the gums or the dental structure of the patient.
  • Does not stain.
  • You can eat with Snap-on Smile, or you can simply take it off to eat.
  • Avoid the need to wear dental prostheses or do dental veneer restorations to achieve a beautiful smile.
  • It does not damage the teeth, since there is no need for dental preparation or grinding.
  • It improves the aesthetics of the smile and allows the specialized dentist to design a new colour, shape, and size for your teeth.
  • With the use of a snap-on smile, the patient does not suffer the anaesthetic effects of the absence of teeth.