Deep Dental Cleaning with Dental Curettage at Dental Asensio
Dental curettage is a comprehensive cleaning process that reaches areas not accessed during standard cleanings. At Dental Asensio, we understand that early action is crucial for successful dental curettage.
Process of Dental Curettage
Our dental hygiene experts apply local anaesthesia to reach the periodontal pockets. Once the area is rid of tartar and bacteria, the tooth root is smoothed. Post this meticulous process, it’s vital to follow specific care instructions to ensure the intervention’s success. Non-adherence could lead to complications, possibly requiring another procedure.
When is it Necessary?
We recommend this deep cleaning process when daily oral cleaning isn’t enough to eliminate bacterial plaque or tartar. It’s essential to perform dental curettage promptly to prevent gum diseases like gingivitis or periodontitis.
Aftercare for Dental Curettage
Post dental curettage, certain measures ensure optimal results:
- Avoid smoking for the next 48 hours and cut down on tobacco generally. The gums of a smoker receive less blood and oxygen supply, which diminishes their defence mechanisms against dental plaque bacteria, leading to further tooth damage.
- Brush your teeth gently, use dental floss, and apply sensitive gums paste. Rub the paste gently on the sensitive tooth, especially at the gum margin. Avoid immediate rinsing to let the paste work effectively.
Trust Dental Asensio, your reliable clinic in Valencia, for your needs. Feel free to call us at 08000869049 for any queries or concerns.
Finally, we adhere to all COVID-19 prevention and safety measures at our dental clinic. We are here to answer your questions and assist you to the best of our abilities. Count on Dental Asensio, your trusted dental clinic in Valencia, to flaunt your best worry-free smile. Come visit us today!
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